Refund Policy

Furry Friends Fitness Refund Conditions

Cooling Off – If you book and pay for a service, but decide within 3 days not to proceed, you are eligible for a full refund LESS a $5 administration fee (to recover administration time and bank transaction fees). 

Refunds on a service provided are NOT given – i.e., if your dog was collected, attended the session paid for, and returned to you, no refund is possible. The service has been rendered.

Pre-paid Sessions – Pro-rata refunds may be possible where several sessions were paid for, but not all were used. For example, you booked and paid for 6 sessions, but you have been transferred out of the area for work, so will not be able to use your last 2 sessions. Furry Friends Fitness will refund you the amount equivalent to your unused sessions LESS a $5 administration fee (this goes towards the administration time required and the bank transaction fees that will be applied).

Discretionary Refunds – Contact Furry Friends Fitness if something untoward happens where you wish to apply for a refund. Sue is always sympathetic and will try to assist.

Transfer to Another Person – You can transfer your booking to another person – in that circumstance, the person who takes your booking would reimburse you what you paid, and you will confirm with Furry Friends Fitness that your booking has been transferred to this specific person. You will need to provide a name. Once the name has been received, the transferee should contact Furry Friends Fitness to confirm the transfer and arrange a new appointment should the time originally booked not be convenient.

Phone – 0482053282

E-mail –




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